CQ Youth Sabbath School Lesson

CQ Youth Sabbath School Lesson


Happy Sabbath! Happy Day!

   For many of us, “Happy Sabbath!” is a regular phrase in our weekly collec­tion of words. Many people respond to this greeting by saying, “Happy Day!” As a young child, however, even the mere mention of the Sabbath gave me a sense of displeasure. This was because of all the tedious work that needed to be done to prepare for this day. Then the Sabbath day itself meant that I couldn’t play soccer. To me, then, the Sabbath was nothing more than a day on which we couldn’t do certain things. So what can we learn from this greet­ing that will help us better understand the nature of worship?

The Sabbath of the Lord “is a sign of creative and redeeming power; it points to God as the source of life and knowledge; it recalls man’s primeval glory, and thus witnesses to God’s purpose to re-create us in His own im­age.”* The Lord’s day of worship is a special time for us to share with heav­enly hosts the amazing privilege of glorifying our Creator and proclaiming His greatness. It is also a time to come before our Maker to be created anew.
At the center of all Sabbath activities is the hour of worship. In every act of worship there should be a clear depiction of our grateful response to the love our Savior demonstrates for us. In our speech, dress, facial expression, giving, singing, and all other conduct, one thought should motivate us: Does this please God?
The Sabbath must be to us a unique day in which we can delight in the Lord (Isa. 58:14). It is a day to rejoice and be happy because the Lord made it (Gen. 2:2, 3). This day is ours each week, now and forever, if we do what gratifies the Lord of hosts on His holy day.
Happy Sabbath! Happy Day!

1. What activity is at the center of your Sabbath day? Potluck, visiting with friends, Sabbath afternoon activities, or the worship service?
2. What changes in attitude can you make regarding how you worship on the Sabbath?
3. What benefits do you believe these changes will bring to your Chris­tian experience?
*Education, p. 250.
                                                         Written by Kwasi Oppong, Columbia, Maryland, U.S.A.

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